Chingford Photographic Society

Established 1951


Photographic Workshops 2025



Some participants from previous Summer Workshops on a photographic outing

Photos Courtesy of Andy Barker


Are you puzzled by depth of field? Do blown highlights and wonky horizons spoil your prints?

Would you like the opportunity to learn how to produce better pictures with your camera? Would you like to know how to make successful prints?

Do you want to take years off your self-portraits? Or inches off your waist?

Building on the success of last year's course, Chingford Photographic Society are again running their series of summer workshops. This is your opportunity to get to grips with the basics of your camera, or if you are an experienced user, learn more about composition, which lens for which situation, and how to develop your creativity.

The workshops incorporate tutorial information, hands on exercises and further tasks for you to carry out during the week to get you really used to using your camera.

If you own a camera – dust if off and come and join us. If you don't, then still come along – we will be able to give simple advice and answer any questions you may have to assist in your choice of camera.

Our aim is to take the mystery out of photography. The friendly and flexible approach adopted by all of the society's course presenters means that you will get out of the workshops what you want, not what we think you want.

We also cover various simple techniques in ‘Photoshop', where you can learn simple tricks to bring out the best in your photographs.

In fact, if there is any area of photography where you want to learn more, do drop us a line before the course commences, as we deliberately leave availability within the schedule to include any aspects of photography you want us to cover.

The six evenings, which are on Mondays, will start on 21st July 2025 between 8pm and 10pm. The six evenings are a complete course, and each person who signs up for it would be expected to attend all evenings to fully benefit.

The total cost for joining the workshop will be £50. Included in the cost will be all six evenings, one or two weekend outings PLUS full membership of the Society for a period of six months commencing after the final evening.

Why not come along and learn at our friendly club in Chingford, Waltham Forest in North East London? Location here ­ or on the ‘MAP' link at the top of the page.

If you would like to take part, then click the 'Download an Application Form' link below. If you have any other queries about the workshops or the Society in general, then contact us by clicking here or telephone Chris Lafbury on:

01279 835 412. - Mobile: 07843 662 633

Download an Application Form to join the Workshops

PLEASE NOTE: The following programme may be subject to change

21st July 2025 - Week 1

  • Introduction
  • Get to know each other
  • Exchange Names
  • Agree the objectives / Syllabus
  • Camera Basics
  • Types of camera - Compact, Bridge, SLR - advantages and disadvantages
  • Shutter / Shutter Speed
  • Apertures / Stopping down
  • Exposures using all the above
  • Depth of Field
  • Camera Handling
  • Camera Shake
  • Holding the camera – low shutter speeds, technique for different lenses.
  • Tripods, Monopods, bean bags, Elbow etc
  • Equipment Care
  • How to look after your equipment
  • Cleaning
  • The right camera bag
  • Temperature changes
  • What Equipment do I need?
  • Different Lenses
  • Accessories
  • Camera User Session (Depending on time)

28th July 2025 - Week 2

  • Review of previous week
  • Composition
  • Rule of Thirds
  • Sky or Ground
  • Straight Horizons
  • Landscape or Portrait Format
  • Which format you use to suit the picture
  • Position of the Photographer to take a picture
  • Lighting
  • Times of Day
  • Colour shift
  • When it's cloudy
  • Reflectors
  • Camera User Session (Depending on time)


Sunday 28th July - Optional outing (Location - Probably Waltham Abbey)


4th August 2025 - Week 3

  • Review of previous week
  • Advanced Exposure
  • Effect of Aperture on depth of field
  • Focusing / Differential Focusing
  • Effect of subject on exposure
  • Exposure Bracketing
  • Basic and Creative Camera Symbols in more detail
  • Difficult conditions
  • Moving objects
  • Panning
  • Flash / Fill in Flash
  • Camera User Session (Depending on time)


11th August 2025 - Week 4

  • Review of previous week
  • Digital Processing
  • Getting your images from Camera to Computer / Printer
  • Files /Folders
  • Adjusting the image
  • Basic adjustments in Photoshop Elements
  • Levels
  • Shadows and Highlights
  • Brightness and Contrast
  • Straightening
  • Cropping
  • Cloning
  • Red Eye Elimination
  • Resizing images
  • Sharpening
  • Camera User Session (Depending on time)


18th August 2025 - Week 5

  • Review of previous week
  • Photo presentation
  • Printing
  • Print Presentation
  • Mounting
  • Albums
  • Photo books
  • Blocks
  • Canvas Mounts
  • Audio Visual sequences
  • Camera User Session (Depending on time)

1st September 2025 - Week 6

  • Review of previous week
  • How to manipulate pictures to improve them
  • Review of Workshop
  • What sort of pictures should I take?
  • Right to take pictures
  • Permissions
  • Revision on any points
  • Summing Up
  • Clarification
  • End
  • Camera User Session (Depending on time)
